We have been working on the VIVA Lipno project since 2020. Throughout this time, we have been careful to prepare a project that is in harmony with nature, the interests of locals and the needs of the municipality of Lipno nad Vltavou. Therefore, the project meets all requirements of the public authorities that protect public interests according to the relevant legislation. This is why we do not consider the verdict of the Supreme Administrative Court to be fair. It creates a dangerous precedent that punishes developers for the alleged mistakes of the authorities and will further prolong construction procedures in the Czech Republic which are already among the most lengthy and complicated in the world. However, this is just another challenge we are prepared to overcome on our journey. We continue preparations on our unique project on the bank of the Lipno reservoir, which is not only welcomed by the relevant authorities, but also by the municipality of Lipno nad Vltavou itself.
Jan Jedlička, managing director of Nemomax Lipno s.r.o.
Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 00 Prague 4
Phone: +420 730 184 814
E-mail: investice@nemomax.cz
IČO: 04622669
DIČ: CZ04622669
The company is registered at the Metropolitan Court in Prague, file B 21196.